Major Hasan is a Muslim. As soon as his identity was revealed, his religion became the subject of a ferocious public debate: bloggers claimed the massacre cast doubt on the loyalty of all American Muslims, while commentators on the other side argued that even to consider the role of Hasan's faith was Islamophobic. To NOT consider his religious beliefs would be sheer stupidity! Islam is not a religion of peace, love and brotherhood. Looking back through the world's history, no religion has unwaveringly remained in that category. We have the Christians behind the Spanish Inquisition, the Jewish Zealots at Masada after being defeated at the rebellion against Rome, and the several conflicts between the Christians and Muslims known as The Crusades. All religions are man-made... and therefore they are just as flawed as the men who created those varying systems of belief. God did not create "religion". He was too busy creating the universe and all the things therein... so he left it up to mankind to devise the means by which they could learn to hate one another - even in the name of brotherly love.
Before I digress into a religious quagmire, let me return to my original train of thought, and the dual role Nidal Hasan's religion played. Given a choice between following military orders, and being put in a position where he may have been called upon to kill fellow Muslims, Nidal chose to take up arms against "the infidels" as the Q'uran requires. His religion required him to "convert the infidels or put them to the sword". At the same time his Islamic faith protected him from appropriate actions by the military when his performance, judgment and attitudes were viewed as being well outside the normal realm of acceptability - because his superiors didn't want to be seen as intolerant racists and/or Islamophobes.
Now the left-wing once again raises the hue and cry against gun ownership by individual citizens, as if the guns were alone in the murders of those 13 soldiers and the wounding of 30 others. Was there no operator aiming them and pulling the triggers repeatedly? Did these evil guns walk into that building under their own power and begin firing randomly into the room? How do we justify transferring the necessary human emotions of anger, fear, and hatred to these inanimate tools? And, short of prohibiting the private ownership of firearms, how do we insure that the crazies of the world do not have ready access to those firearms? For the moment, our ability to "keep and bear arms" is guaranteed by the Second Amendment, and that guarantee is the one that protects all the other rights and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.
The elimination of that pesky old Second Amendment is something the left has been after for decades. Elimination, or at the very least the emasculation of the Second Amendment would certainly make it easy for a tyrannical socialist "progressive"/Marxist government to assume and retain control of the people, wouldn't it?
The recent spate of mindless, multiple shootings simply provides the Liberal Left ("liberal" about everything other than that which the Right values) with more "ammunition" for their agenda - an agenda with which most Americans are at odds. Our choices are to be apathetic and expect the situation to self-correct, or to become pro-active and demand that our elected "representatives" maintain the course that has kept our nation and its citizens free and prosperous for 233 years.
The Liberal Left is well-organized and overflowing with activists, while the Conservative Right is... conservative! Not only are most of us conservative in our values, but we are equally conservative in our behavior. We are The Silent Majority! What has our silence gained us? To remain silent is to remain unheard, and to be unheard is to be passed by unnoticed. The time for silence has long passed, but that passage has gone mainly unnoticed. If we do not make our voices heard now, we may well be silenced forever!
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