Barak NObama's latest cure for the USA's ever-increasing fuel cost problem is simple: ADD A 50 CENT PER GALLON TAX TO THE PRICE! This is a man who is obviously not in touch with the problems of working-class America. He believes that by making it even more costly, the American public will drive less, thereby reducing our demand for this OPEC commodity. What he FAILS to understand is that many of us who have to work for a living, unlike our elected officials, are already being crippled by the escalating cost of fuels. We must fuel our vehicles to get us to our work, that we may earn a living and support our families ... and our government! We're paying more at the pump daily, and so are those who transport goods to our retail outlets. Consequently, everything we need to live is costing us more.
Everything from the cost of groceries at the supermarket, to clothing, to the delivery of the evening newspaper to rural areas. In fact, home delivery to rural/unincorporated areas may become a thing of the past, since the delivery person is paying an exorbitant price for fuel, and may not even be making minimum wage. Other services will be forced to increase their prices as well, in order to make a reasonable profit and remain in business.
The challenge for our next elected leader will be to minimize the impact of the downward slide of the US dollar. Our government needs to tap into our own fuel reserves, and resurrect our refineries. Let the 'greenies" whine! The survival of this nation, and it's people, is far more important than a spotted owl becoming temporarily homeless. The owls can move ... and they won't burn a drop of fuel doing it!
NObama's solution sounds familiar though ... it reminds me of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", or, "Let them eat cake." (For anybody who may not remember the consequences of that statement, it fueled the French Revolution, and the subsequent beheading of Marie Antoinette in 1793 for treason.) How far can the American people be pushed before we revolt? That has yet to be seen - and I hope not to see it in my lifetime, but ...
We deserve the leadership we elect ... and may God save us from our emotions! Use your intellect to vote, not your emotions.
I'm Gil, and I approve this Blog!
There's cake? What kind? The USA has finally caught up with the gas prices of other countries. Not that this is a good thing but most Americans are very wasteful and we should be conserving more than we do. How many large vehicles on the road only have one occupant? How many people run to the store every day? I've been guilty of that but try to be mindful of the environment and my wallet. Now we need to improve public transport which is another topic to be tackled. Go for it, Papa!
There's cake? What kind? The USA has finally caught up with the gas prices of other countries. Not that this is a good thing but most Americans are very wasteful and we should be conserving more than we do. How many large vehicles on the road only have one occupant? How many people run to the store every day? I've been guilty of that but try to be mindful of the environment and my wallet. Now we need to improve public transport which is another topic to be tackled. Go for it, Papa!
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