Perhaps I have an over-simplified opinion of what it would take to return our nation to the destination which our founding fathers originally intended, but...
It is much easier to stop a runaway train, than it is to reconstruct it after the wreck, and that is exactly what we have going on here - a train wreck in progress. I'm beginning to wonder if Barack Obama is the reincarnation of Erich Weisz (better known as Harry Houdini). David Copperfield must be quite envious of the skills which Obama has demonstrated in misdirection, sleight of hand, and the use of smoke, mirrors and trap doors! "The Great and Powerful Oz" is quite the showman, and that is exactly what he is - a showman - nothing more, nothing less. Obama is all show and no personal substance. He has no accomplishments in his life that are not products of his ability to BS other people into doing his will. He has never - not one day in his entire life - labored for wages... yet he claims to be the champion the working man and our corrupt labor unions. And (this is the truly amazing part) they believe him! But, I digress.
How do we stop this runaway train called the USA Express before it is destroyed? There are only two options -ballots or bullets. Ballots are certainly the preferred method of correcting our course before we are completely derailed, the question is do they truly work for us?
There was that strange bit of business with "chads" in Florida during the 2000 election, compounded by the Electoral College deciding what "We the People" really wanted, even though the popular vote didn't support that EC decision. The Electoral College serves no useful purpose, and should be done away with. The only purpose it does serve is to insure that, if the will of the people goes against that of "The Great and Powerful Oz" (the behind-the-scenes power brokers), the will of Oz prevails through the auspices of the Electoral College. Am I the only person who sees a problem with that arrangement? The term "electoral college" does not appear in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment refer to "electors," but not to the "electoral college." The EC had no official, documented recognition prior to 1845 when the EC was included in federal law and, until that time, it apparently functioned primarily upon a knowing wink and a friendly nudge.
For the sake of argument, let us assume that the ballot box does actually work for us. How do we correct our course? We vote the incumbents out of office!

At best our election process is flawed and imperfect, but at its worst it is still better than most processes of establishing a government. It is the best of that which is available. A "One World Government" would only rate about a half-point above a global dictatorship.
Bullets become a possibility when the will of the people is repeatedly thwarted by "the powers" - either those elected or those behind-the-scenes. It has been almost 150 years since the "Civil War" (aka: War Between the States), and the thought of Americans once again taking up arms against one another is abhorrent to most of us. However, 224 years ago, when our ancestors were ruled by that British tyrant, George III, they took up arms against the "government" to free themselves and created the Democratic Republic now known as the United States of America. Those who would rule us, rather than govern a free people, should remember that lesson from history, before they are doomed to repeat it. I don't believe that we have become so used to our freedom - because we have known nothing less - that we take it for granted. Are we so complacent in the assumption that no person living within our borders would wish to eliminate those freedoms, that we are no longer vigilant against internal threats? If we were to look closely at the "third world" countries, we would quickly realize that there are tyrants in the world today. Those who would rule their subjects rather than govern their citizens.

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