Goodbye Barry - Welcome Home AMERICA!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Tiger Woods was unfaithful to his wife, his children (in a manner of speaking), his fans (in an even less emphatic manner of speaking) and his corporate image. WHO CARES?

What Tiger chooses to do in his personal life is between him and his wife... and whomever he chooses to associate with in that activity. He was caught in flagrante delicto (red-handed) by his wife, who chose to chase him out of the house while flogging him with a nine-iron. What made it newsworthy was that he crashed his Cadillac Escalade SUV into a tree about 50 yards from his house. Then came the media speculation that all was not well in the Woods household. The front-end of the Escalade hit the tree... how did the rear windows get broken out?

This is a tragedy of errors - Elin Woods discovered Tiger's initial peccadillo by investigating his cell phone records.
First error - Tiger ignored his wedding vows, and found sexual partners outside his marriage. As have millions of other men and women.
Second error - Tiger didn't clear his cell phone of messages that would indicate moral turpitude.
Third error - (This one is on Elin.) Snooping is a no-no. When one invades the privacy of another, searching for things that may disappoint, sadden, or enrage them, they should not be surprised when they find those things.
Fourth error - also Elin's. A sexual indiscretion does not justify an assault with sporting goods.
Fifth error - Veronica Siwik-Daniels, (aka Joslyn James, pornographic movie "star") knew full-well that Tiger was a married man and father of two children. Doesn't having sex for money make her a HO? (Siwik-Daniels is also $12,000 in arrears on court-ordered child support.)

Enter Gloria Allred - a law ho - who claims her client is now a victim because TW "didn't apologize to her" during his Apology Press Conference last week. (Tiger should take apologizing lessons from Obama, who made sincere apologies for the USA all over the world last year.) HEY GLORIA! Pay attention here... your client is a HO! Her life has been one of "use me and abuse me, as long as you pay me". Now her feelings are hurt because TW won't let her continue to use his "nine-iron" after he had already played ten holes before her? What could she reasonably expect? For Allred and Siwik-Daniels this is nothing more than a publicity stunt, designed to give "Joslyn James" a little more marketability when she returns to the silver(?) screen. Shame on them both.

TW has pretty much ruined his marketability. He may play - and win - at golf again, but I think by now all of his sponsors have told him to bugger off. Many of his fans are deeply disappointed in his off-greens behavior (and a lot of guys are envious of him), his wife is understandably outraged, and his children are... what?? Are the children even aware of what daddy TW did? Do they understand the intricacies of infidelity? Probably not, but they will understand that "Daddy doesn't live here any more.", and that will hurt their little hearts.

Shame on them all. But still - it's nobody's business what goes on in anybody else's personal life, unless that other person chooses to share that information directly with them.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Cheetah Woods should just keep his club in his bag. He should know women can be "caddy" sometimes. His wife would have eventually caught on to his stories because he had a hole in one. Stop me now!