EXCEPT THE POLITICIANS CARE? Could it be that our current administration is
so ineffectual, and our Congress
so lame that this interruption to government went unnoticed by the majority of the country?
Rather than being received as an "interruption
to government", many of us saw it as a
relief from government. When government works against the will of the majority of the people it becomes tyrannical. When it works against the best interests of the nation it becomes
traitorous. People appreciate relief from either one of those concepts.

This is the year to save our
Republic! Replace the
left-wing progressives in D.C. with
true conservatives, who understand and respect our Constitution and the traditions upon which our once-great nation was founded! The key word there is
CONSERVATIVES. Not just Republicans... and don't ignore conservative Democrats - although they are few and far between. We need the Captains of our "ship of State" to save it -
not to
scuttle it as they are doing today. We need those who are both
fiscal and social conservatives controlling our government, and between now and November there will be more "special elections". There are large numbers (around
35 as I recall) of liberal Dems retiring or choosing not to seek reelection to their office.
THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO CORRECT THE COURSE THE ADMINISTRATION HAS CHOSEN!Opportunities such as this only present themselves once every four years. Governments such as our current one present themselves only once in a
lifetime... for which we must be
THANKFUL! Do your part - cleanse our national leadership of those supporting the Marxist/Socialist political philosophy - vote

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