The White House announced Monday that Obama would arrive in Copenhagen on Friday, just before Chicago makes its formal presentation to Olympics officials who are also considering Tokyo, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. A decision is expected later that day, within hours of Obama's appearance. (This sounds like a barely justifiable political junket. Could it be driven by the fact that Obama presently owns a home within walking distance of the proposed Olympic Stadium?)
No previous U.S. president has made such a trip on behalf of a city vying to host the Olympics. (The USA has hosted 8 modern Olympic Games since 1900, all without the intervention of a Pimp-Daddy President.)
The visit is a gamble for Obama. He will be leaving Washington with thorny foreign and domestic issues unresolved, and risks looking diminished if Chicago's bid falls short." (Gee... while he's in Denmark he won't even be able to vote "present" in the USA.)
What happened to the dignity that has always been associated with the Office of the President of the United States of America? Or perhaps this is payback for the support of all the corrupt politicians and political supporters in Illinois? Where is the benefit for the nation-at-large (as opposed to simply benefiting Obama's cronies in/around Chicago)? Anybody care for a PLUM?

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