I've been playing with this blog for a couple of months now, using it mainly as a venting tool for my concerns about the upcoming election. There are many other things that concern me in this life, but who is in control of our country is right at the top of my list ... as it should be for ALL Americans!
If the liberals take control, we are doomed to economic failure, political corruption, increased crime, and, from a practical standpoint, the dissolution of our legal system.
If the conservatives take control, we are only going to have to face continued political corruption. This seems like a no-brainer to me!
The truth, as I see it, is this: neither party has fielded an exemplary candidate for the highest elected office in the land. One is totally ignorant of what's really going on in the world, and has a highly questionable affinity for this nation and our culture. The other is unquestionably a patriot, but is not a young man, and has battled cancer 4 times - and he has WON!
But, as I have said before, I'm getting campaign burn-out. It seems to be the only thing on the news these days - Obama this, Mccain that, Palin the other. I'm just sick and tired of hearing about it! Oh yeah, that, and the faltering economy - which is also being used as a political ping -pong ball. The Democratically controlled Congress blames the President and the Republicans, and the Republicans blame the Democrats who control the purse strings of the country. The Blame Game goes on forever ... when will somebody start playing the Fix It Game? The alienation and competitiveness between the two parties, is detrimental to the overall welfare of our country! When will those freeloading, tax-paid morons realize that fact, and act for the good of the people, not just the party?
What has happened since the days when public service of this type was a voluntary thing - when dedicated people entered public service because they wanted to see the country thrive, grow and prosper? It won't do any of those things in a socialist environment. We were not founded as a country of entitlements - which is what we will become if Obama gets elected. The only entitlements here are the entitlement to opportunities and equal treatment. Notice that I said EQUAL ... not 'special'. Yet many groups and individuals think they are entitled to more benefits than those promised to ALL by our Constitution. And, the ACLU is working toward getting them that special 'Protected Class' designation, in conjunction with our liberal, activist federal judges.
These are the same judges who seem to think child molesters and baby rapers are just misunderstood, and they should get minimal sentences ... if ANY! Do they not care for the welfare of our children, or are they just stupid? Those criminals who prey upon children have the highest of all recidivism rates. Why? Because their targets are defenseless and innocent, and the punishment, if caught, is next to nothing! Granted, our prisons are operating at and above maximum capacity, but there are ways to correct that without releasing the worst of all criminals. One way would be to start shuffling prisoners around, creating several 'Super-Max' prisons in remote parts of the country, housing the worst of the worst. Like the desert lands of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, New Mexico, California, or the tundra of Alaska's wilderness - all of which would be located at least 50 miles from the nearest rock! Or - better yet - on islands! Or both! San Quentin could be rehabilitated for use, even if the people sent there couldn't.
Instead of releasing violent and sexual predators, we could release 'white collar' criminals - embezzlers, for example. Pickpockets aren't generally violent, so we could release them ... along with petty thieves, car thieves, tax evaders, etc. Anybody that has committed a crime against property (short of arson and/or incendiary and explosive devices), or non-violent crimes against persons and/or business entities, should be the ones released to make room for those convicted of more serious crimes against the public! We do not need to flood the country with hard-core criminals. We could even empty our prisons death rows, by simply executing those who have been sentenced to die, instead of feeding, clothing, housing, and seeing to their medical needs - for an average of 18 years before the sentence is actually carried out! Give them 3 years to make their appeals, and if they are unsuccessful in that amount of time ... then put out their lights.
That's just the way I see things! I could be wrong ....................................... but, I'm not!