Here's my take on MA Governor Mitt Romney - Romney
is no worse than any other politician.
By that I mean, he tailors his speeches to the audience immediately in
front of him, and he tends to favor big business interests (over those of the
workers who MAKE big business successful) because he IS a part of "big
business". Throw his religious
belief system into the mix - which many devotees of our assorted
"mainstream religions" consider to be a "cult" - and, his
public image, which is perceived as all too malleable, and you have the recipe
for failed acceptance at the national level. Romney polls at around 20% today.
Socially, Romney may be a really fun guy! I wouldn't
know, since we've never partied together.
But, IF he runs, it won't be for the office of
"Entertainment Director"! He fails to project either the
COMMITMENT or the STRENGTH which we so badly need in our national leadership.
As a garden- variety Republican, he is also hampered by the public perception
of the GOP - which is best described as "The Party of Gutless
Wonders". And... there's not a nickel's worth of difference between
Obamacare at the national level, and Romneycare in Massachusetts. If Romney
turns out to be the GOP nominee, I am greatly tempted to NOT waste my time voting
in 2016. I must have SOME level of confidence in a nominee before I will vote
for him/her.
Ben Carson
Dr. Ben says all the right things that conservative
Americans want to hear… but, he has a few things working against him.
Dr. Ben is black, and our perception of a black president has been woefully "colored" (no pun intended)
by His Imperial Highness, Barack (Hussein Obama) I. Rightly or wrongly, it will take a significant amount of
time for the stain of Obama to
fade from our collective memory.
Dr. Ben is a political "dark horse" (again, no pun intended). He has
no experience in what I
refer to as "power politics".
Yes, there is politics of some sort involved in almost every field of endeavor. Large hospitals
are quite political, but
the level of political experience compared to national politics, is like comparing a AA minor-league baseball
farm team to the major league pennant holders.
Until 2014, Dr. Ben was absolutely unknown outside the medical
field. He is polling only in the
6%-7% range today.
However… someone who is not
a professional politician, may be exactly what this
country needs to get us off the fast track to Socialism, and back to our
Constitutional roots. It doesn't
look at all promising for Dr. Ben at this juncture… but, "it ain't
over 'til the fat lady sings." I
would vote for Dr. Ben over almost any of the other so-called "GOP
Jeb Bush
Bush - I'm sorry… but, I believe that the USA has had all of the Bush
family that it needed. George H. was fairly
competent, and George W. was… different. "Gee Dubbya" as he became affectionately known, was
seen as more… human, more approachable, more down-to-Earth than
were his predecessors. He impressed me
as the "guy next door" type, who would loan you his lawnmower, and
then invite you in for a cold beer when you were done. He was reelected, but then,
incumbents rarely lose - only 9 ex-presidents (who were not assassinated, or
otherwise incapable of seeking a second term) share that distinction. Jeb was notably unremarkable
as the Governor of Florida, and would probably be equally, if not more - unremarkable
in the Oval Office. He is polling at between 10% and 23%, so let's call it at
mid-point -16% - just to simplify things.
Jeb leans noticeably to the left, and I therefore see him
as an unlikely victor.
Chris Christie
Christie's name is recognized, but his actions - or failures to act - have not
been (at the national level). This
could work either for, or against him. Physically, he is somewhat gibbous - we have not had an
obese president since William Howard Taft.
His political career has been somewhat less than stellar, and he will be
remembered no longer than the previous Governor of New Jersey (whoever that was).
His eight year tenure is most remembered for the
wide-ranging corruption probes which eventually led to the convictions of 130
officials from all levels of the state government. That will be his "legacy"… which
was heretofore unknown outside of New Jersey. Christie is polling between
6%-13%, so let's call it 9%.
Rand Paul
Rand Paul (R -KY) is a self -professed constitutional
conservative, who launched his Senatorial campaign in 2012, and within 24
hours of his announcement, created political online history in Kentucky when
his campaign collected over $430,000 in donations. Paul is a relative newcomer
to politics, and somewhat of a "maverick", who tends to drift away
from the "party line" when he is so moved. Personally, I like the idea that he is a constitutional
conservative, inasmuch as there are too damned few of those in our national
legislative body! His father,
Representative Ron Paul (R-TX), has a reputation of being somewhat
unpredictable, which makes him a political maverick also. "Mavericks" are not well-received
in national politics because of their tendency to "march to a different
drummer", which - in many instances - limits the "GOP
establishment" support for their efforts. Rand Paul is currently polling
between 6%-9%, so I'm calling it 8%.
Other Potential GOP Nominees
The recall elections were held June 5th, with Walker defeating Barrett. Walker was thus the first U.S. governor to continue in office after facing a recall election.
recall election was just the third gubernatorial recall election in U.S.
history and the only one in which the incumbent was not defeated.
that has the cojones to take a stand against the AFGSME, and their voracious
appetite for more money and benefits at the taxpayers expense, is OK in my
book. Walker is considered a "sleeper" for the 2016 Presidential
Elections. We could do a lot worse!
My "Bottom Line"
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