those countries, Israel immediately comes to mind, as do most Islamic
countries. Israel is a country predominantly populated by ethnic and religious
Jews. The Jews have been persecuted since biblical times. Their survival as a
people has always depended upon their ability to effectively defend themselves against
those who sought to overpower, enslave, or eliminate them from the face of the
Earth. It is a common misperception that Israel allows women in combat units.
In fact, women have been barred from combat in Israel since 1950, when a review
of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War showed how harmful their presence could be. The
study revealed that men tried to protect and assist women rather than continue
their attack. As a result, they not only put their own lives in greater danger,
but also jeopardized the survival of the entire unit. The study further
revealed that unit morale was damaged when men saw women killed and maimed on
the battlefield.
Throughout history (as we are taught history), Muslims have traditionally been a warlike people... at least since there has been the Islamic Muslim faith. Islam was created by a man named Muhammad, who had "visions" in a cave near Mecca in 610AD, and spent the next 12 years preaching on the streets of Mecca. Islam became recognized as a religion in 622AD, with the creation of the Islamic calendar. One of the goals of Islam is world domination, by means of conversion or execution of "the infidels" (anybody that is not Muslim, or apostate Muslims ), and the establishment of a world Caliphate.
history of the United States is similar to the above in some respects, and
totally dissimilar in others. Our culture raises men to respect and protect
women, or at least it did until the most recent generation. The majority
of men still see women as "the weaker sex" and therefore in need of their
protection. Therein lies the "problem". Just as the Israeli's
experienced men trying to "protect and assist their female counterparts
rather than continue their attack", American men will be culturally and psychologically
inclined to do exactly the same. And the end result will unquestionably be
the same - they not only will put their own lives in greater danger, but will
also jeopardize the survival of the entire unit.
men and women are put together there is, always has been, and always will be
- "fraternization". Fraternization is a military crime punishable by
a maximum of two years in prison, and a dishonorable discharge for enlisted
personnel and dismissal for officers. (Why enlisted personnel can be imprisoned,
and officers just dismissed from the military is beyond me. The crime
is the same, but the elitists get to walk away, while the working-class
military go to the "Gray Bar Hotel") While the Army defines
fraternization differently from the other services, the maximum penalty is the
same in all. As a practical matter, though, fraternization alone is rarely
prosecuted; instead, most such cases are handled with administrative punishment
like a letter of reprimand. Essentially, "fraternization" is a
euphemism for inappropriate social interactions between different ranks
(I will leave the details of what may constitute "inappropriate
social interactions" up to your imagination). When interpersonal
relationships (beyond those required to perform one's assigned military duties)
arise, there is always the possibility of an unexpected, often unwanted
pregnancy. What do we then do with a pregnant "warrior"?
is the United States Government even considering assigning women
to combat units as combat soldiers, when the DoD has access to this
information - “Few serious armies use women in combat roles. Israel, which
drafts most of its young women and uses them in all kinds of military work, has
learned from experience to take them out of combat zones. Tests show that few
women have the upper-body strength required for combat tasks. Keeping combat
forces all male would not be discriminatory, as were earlier racial segregation
schemes in the military, because men and women are different both physically
and psychologically,” said the Feb. 5, 1990, National Review.
am I to argue with those who have investigated the consequences of women
serving in combat roles? It is not that they are afraid to fight, it is
that they will be a greater liability in a combat zone than would their male
counterparts. If the fight is brought to them, I feel certain
that the majority of American women would pick up a weapon and defend
themselves and others. But, if the combat should become hand-to-hand,
they will most probably not be victorious. Just my thoughts on the subject. I
could be wrong… and the Sun could rise in the west tomorrow morning.
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